Negotiate This

This Negotiation Seminar Is About You

3 Ground Rules:

  • Negotiation is not a competitive sport.
  • Know when and when not to negotiate
  • Use your 5 senses to negotiate

And you thought negotiation is all about Money! Or it is about Shopping, Buying a Car or Getting married a second time!!

Do you know how to Negotiate with the Master Negotiator? 

Learn all about REAL ESTATE in JANNAH

Learn the principles of negotiations from the Final Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam).

  • How he dealt with people. 
  • How me delegated work.
  • The biggest negotiation pact of his life. 
  • Learn rules of dealing with people.

Participants practice skill building exercises as a team, one-on-one, face-to-face, so they can implement their learning within their personal business or home environment.

By the end of the day, participants will be able to handle even the most difficult negotiations with confidence and have a high positive impact on its outcome.

All this and more in this new intense and interactive seminar - NEGOTIATE THIS!

Workshop Rules and Regulations